Sportshop Ski Lenz High quality Equipment with Style

The sport shop in Rohrmoos by Schladming offers our customers a comprehensive range of high quality products from the most popular brand names.

Both our shops are located directly next to the slopes and are still easily and comfortably accessible by car. In addition the large area of parking makes your shopping experience even easier. That saves valuable time which can be used to concentrate on more important matters: Holiday enjoyment - with style!

We look forward to your visit at Ski Lenz in Rohrmoos, directly at the valley station of the Gipfelbahn Hochwurzen!

We offer you a large selection of high quality products from the most popular brands.

Large selection Cheap prices

You will find the newest models from the most popular brands at Ski Lenz.

Test first then buy

At Ski Lenz you may test your desired equipment FREE of charge before buying.

Top-Offers definitely not to be missed

10% relief

With an online ski-reservation

Save 10% on your online ski rental

Reserve now

10 minutes


We make your skis fit again...

Our Ski-Service

Till 10 years

Free ski rental for kids

... when both parents rent a ski!

To the ski rental

Sports shop

Top-Offers in both shops

Inexpensive products and cheap offers!

Show products

SKI LENZ - 2x in Rohrmoos Two locations - top selection - huge possibilities

Talstation Hochwurzenbahn

Rohrmoosstraße 218
8971 Schladming / Rohrmoos

+43 3687 / 61 478

Opening hours:

8.00 am - 06.00 pm
No night tobogganing

Tuesday till Saturday
8.00 am - 06.00 pm
6.45 pm - 00.00 am (only night tobogganing)

Sundays and holidays:
8.30 am - 5.30 pm
No night tobogganing

Rohrmooser Erlebniswelt

Rohrmoosstraße 215
8971 Schladming / Rohrmoos

+43 3687 / 611 26

Opening hours:

Monday till Saturday
8.00 am - 06.00 pm

Sundays and holidays:
8.30 am - 5.30 pm